ATTiny85 Arduino Projects

1. Arduino "ATTiny85 Servo" on Arduino simulator


Arduino "ATTiny85 simulator" is an Arduino project involving ATtiny85 MCU and Servo motor. 


Wokwi Arduino simulator is used here as it is free and easy to use online. 

Wokwi Arduino Simulator - ATTiny85 MCU simulations with Servo motor
Wokwi Arduino Simulator - ATTiny85 MCU simulations with Servo motor

You can do following things with the Arduino Simulator example

  • Can you move the servo motor from 0 to 180 degrees in 3 seconds and back again 3 seconds more?

Arduino Simulation

In the section below, you can also modify the code and see the results instantly. You can change the code and recompile it by clicking on rerun/Run button. For more help, please visit Discord channel of the Wokwi Arduino Simulator. 


2. Arduino "tiny-Simon-game" on Arduino simulator


Arduino "Tiny Simon game" is an Arduino project involving ATtiny85 MCU, LEDs and buttons. 

Wokwi Arduino simulator is used here as it is free and easy to use online.

Wokwi Arduino Simulator - Tiny Simon game using ATTiny85
Wokwi Arduino Simulator - Tiny Simon game using ATTiny85

You can do following things with the Arduino Simulator example

  • Can you make the game interesting by keeping the time limit for the user response?

Arduino Simulation

In the section below, you can also modify the code and see the results instantly. You can change the code and recompile it by clicking on rerun/Run button. For more help, please visit Discord channel of the Wokwi Arduino Simulator. 


3. Arduino "simple blink in ms" on Arduino simulator


Arduino "simple blink in ms" is an Arduino project involving ATtiny85 MCU and an LED.

Wokwi Arduino simulator is used here as it is free and easy to use online. 

Wokwi Arduino Simulator - ATTiny85 LED blink example

You can do following things with the Arduino Simulator example

  • Can you change the code to blink every 2 seconds?

Arduino Simulation

In the section below, you can also modify the code and see the results instantly. You can change the code and recompile it by clicking on rerun/Run button. For more help, please visit Discord channel of the Wokwi Arduino Simulator. 


4. Arduino "tiny Clock with RTC and clock 7 segment display" on Arduino simulator


Arduino "tiny Clock with RTC and clock 7 segment display" is an Arduino project involving ATtiny85, 7 segment display, DS1307 RTC module.

Wokwi Arduino simulator is used here as it is free and easy to use online. 

Wokwi Arduino Simulator - RTC, Clock display using ATTiny85

You can do following things with the Arduino Simulator example

  • Can you change the code to blink every 2 seconds?

Arduino Simulation

In the section below, you can also modify the code and see the results instantly. You can change the code and recompile it by clicking on rerun/Run button. For more help, please visit Discord channel of the Wokwi Arduino Simulator. 


5. Arduino "Temperature and humidity display" on Arduino simulator


Arduino "Temperature and Humidity display using SSD1306" is an Arduino project involving ATtiny85 MCU, DHT22 humidity sensor, SSD1306 display.

Wokwi Arduino simulator is used here as it is free and easy to use online. 

Wokwi Arduino Simulator - SSD1306 display

You can do following things with the Arduino Simulator example

  • Can you change the code to show temperature and humidity in very big letters?

Arduino Simulation

In the section below, you can also modify the code and see the results instantly. You can change the code and recompile it by clicking on rerun/Run button. For more help, please visit Discord channel of the Wokwi Arduino Simulator. 

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