Saturday, June 12, 2021

Arduino Simulator Examples - "Serial Plotter" 📊

Arduino "Serial Plotter" on Arduino simulator


Arduino "Serial Plotter" Program plots the data given on a horizontal axis. It helps a lot to use this feature while working with microphone, potentiometers or analog sensors to visualize the data. You can click on Run button in the simulator below to see the Arduino simulator in action. Wokwi Arduino simulator is used here as it is free and easy to use online. 

Wokwi Arduino Simulator - Serial plotter
Wokwi Arduino Simulator - Serial plotter


The X axis in the serial plotter represent time and each unit presents how fast the serial print was called in the code. The Y axis in the Arduino serial plotter  represents amplitude and it will scale automatically based on the value being printed. 

Tip: Click on the plotter button above on the serial monitor window

You can do following things with the Arduino Simulator example

  • Change the wave to sine wave (Tip: uncomment the particular code line in the example)
  • Change the speed at which the plot happens

Arduino Simulation

 In the section below, you can also modify the code and see the results instantly. You can change the code and recompile it by clicking on rerun/Run button. For more help, please visit Discord channel of the Wokwi Arduino Simulator. 

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