Saturday, June 19, 2021

Arduino IR simulator projects - "simple receiver"

Arduino "IR simple receiver" on Arduino simulator - IR remote project


Arduino "simple receiver" is an Arduino project involving IR receiver and IR remote. 

Wokwi Arduino simulator is used here as it is free and easy to use online. 

wokwi Arduino simulator - IR remote simple receiver project
Wokwi Arduino simulator - IR simple receiver project


You can do following things with the Arduino Simulator example

  • Can you add more features to the project so that each remote button will have a real function (servo motor turning or LED on off etc)?

Arduino Simulation

In the section below, you can also modify the code and see the results instantly. You can change the code and recompile it by clicking on rerun/Run button. For more help, please visit Discord channel of the Wokwi Arduino Simulator. 

Arduino IR simulator projects - "simple receiver"

Arduino "IR simple receiver" on Arduino simulator - IR remote project  Summary Arduino "simple receiver" is an Arduino p...